Utopia designed, built, and continues to support, the online edition of the Cook Islands Newspaper. Staff managing the classified listings for the newspaper were wanting to improve how they gather, manage, and print the classifieds in the publication. At the same time, they wanted to streamline the inclusion of these classified listings in the online edition.
Utopia reviewed the existing infrastructure and built a new classified listing management platform. This utilises a database of customers and listing information including things like date, section classification, multiple types of imagery, media, and any additional information. CI News staff use the management platform to prepare all the listings. Daily the system exports special files for inclusion into the newspaper’s printing system.
The online edition of the newspaper is automatically updated with all the listings for that day. The look of the printed classifieds is carried through to the website and allows for multiple classifications, media types and text.
The existing advertisement management platform, that is now unsupported and many years old, has been retired. CI News staff are now able to perform management functions remotely.
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